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"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley

Stefan Horz

Stefan Horz was born into a musical family and first practised his musical skills by improvising. He studied  sacred music at the Cologne Musikhochschule and, after his A exam, took up his post-graduate studies with organ professor Wolfgang Zerer at Hamburg Musikhochschule. Stefan Horz then studied the harpsichord with Ketil Haugsand in Cologne, finishing with a „cum laude“ degree.
He also attended several masterclasses with Bob van Asperen, Glenn Wilson, Harald Vogel and Michael Radulescu.
Stefan Horz has been a member of numerous Early Music orchestras such as Concerto Köln and the Neue Düsseldorfer Hofmusik. As a soloist or with his own ensembles, he has performed at the Göttingen Händel Festival, the Styriarte Festival in Graz, the Rheingau Festival and the Alte Oper concert hall in Frankfurt.
In 1998, Stefan Horz succeeded the organist Johannes Geffert at the Kreuzkirche in Bonn.
Stefan Horz has specialized in concert programmes that focus upon the major Bach cycles such as the complete suites and partitas from the „Wohltemperiertes Klavier“, the harpsichord and instrumental sonatas or the third part of the „Clavierübung“. He regularly performs the organ and orchestra concertos by Rheinberger and Poulenc, while his personal speciality is to play transcribed extracts from Wagner operas such as „Parsifal“ and „Tristan und Isolde“.

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Various composers
The Biography of Love
Constanze Backes